Кабинет пользователя
Идентификатор пользователя
$End of string, or end of line in multi-line pattern
$'After matched string
$&Entire matched string
$`Before matched string
$+Last matched string
$1­xyz­ in /^(?:a­bc)­(xyz)$/
$2­xyz­ in /^(abc­(xy­z))$/
$nnth non-pa­ssive group
(?:...)Passive (non-c­apt­uring) group
(a|b)a or b
*0 or more
.Any character except new line (\n)
?0 or 1
?!Negative lookahead
?!= or ?Negative lookbehind
?()Condition [if then]
?()|Condition [if then else]
?<=Lookbehind assertion
?=Lookahead assertion
?>Once-only Subexp­ression
[:alnum:]Digits and letters
[:alpha:]All letters
[:blank:]Space and tab
[:cntrl:]Control characters
[:graph:]Printed characters
[:lower:]Lower case letters
[:print:]Printed characters and spaces
[:space:]Blank characters
[:upper:]Upper case letters
[:word:]Digits, letters and underscore
[:xdigit:]Hexade­cimal digits
[^abc]Not (a or b or c)
[0-7]Digit from 0 to 7
[abc]Range (a or b or c)
[a-q]Lower case letter from a to q
[A-Q]Upper case letter from A to Q
\Escape following character
\<Start of word
\>End of word
\AStart of string
\bWord boundary
\BNot word boundary
\cControl character
\DNot digit
\EEnd literal sequence
\fForm feed
\nNew line
\OOctal digit
\QBegin literal sequence
\rCarriage return
\sWhite space
\SNot white space
\vVertical tab
\WNot word
\xHexade­cimal digit
\xGroup/­sub­pattern number "­x"
\xhhHex character hh
\xxxOctal character xxx
\ZEnd of string
^Start of string, or start of line in multi-line pattern
{3,}3 or more
{3,5}3, 4 or 5
{3}Exactly 3
+1 or more
e *Evaluate replac­ement
gGlobal match
i *Case-i­nse­nsitive
m *Multiple lines
s *Treat string as single line
U *Ungreedy pattern
x *Allow comments and whitespace in pattern

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