Кабинет пользователя
Идентификатор пользователя
@section(sectionName) { content } - (Layout pages) Defines a content section that has a name.
Analytics.GetGoogleHtml(webPropertyId) - Renders the Google Analytics JavaScript code for the specified ID.
Analytics.GetStatCounterHtml(project, security) - Renders the StatCounter Analytics JavaScript code for the specified project.
Analytics.GetYahooHtml(account) - Renders the Yahoo Analytics JavaScript code for the specified account.
AsBool(), AsBool(true|false) - Converts a string value to a Boolean value (true/false). Returns false or the specified value if the string does not represent true/false.
AsDateTime(), AsDateTime(value) - Converts a string value to date/time. Returns DateTime. MinValue or the specified value if the string does not represent a date/time.
AsDecimal(), AsDecimal(value) - Converts a string value to a decimal value. Returns 0.0 or the specified value if the string does not represent a decimal value.
AsFloat(), AsFloat(value) - Converts a string value to a float. Returns 0.0 or the specified value if the string does not represent a decimal value.
AsInt(), AsInt(value) - Converts a string value to an integer. Returns 0 or the specified value if the string does not represent an integer.
Bing.AdvancedSearchBox([, boxWidth] [, resultWidth] [, resultHeight] - Displays Bing search results in the page with optional formatting. To specify the site to search and a title for the search box, you can set the Bing.SiteUrl and Bing.SiteTitle properties. Normally you set these properties in the _AppStart page.
Bing.SearchBox([boxWidth]) - Passes a search to Bing. To specify the site to search and a title for the search box, you can set the Bing.SiteUrl and Bing.SiteTitle properties. Normally you set these properties in the _AppStart page.
ConfirmAccount() - Confirms an account using a confirmation token
CreateAccount() - Creates a new user account
CreateUserAndAccount() - Creates a new user account
Crypto.Hash(string [, algorithm]) - Returns a hash for the specified data. The default algorithm is sha256.
CurrentUserId - Gets the ID for the current user
CurrentUserName - Gets the name of the current user
Database.Execute(SQLstatement [, parameters]) - Executes SQLstatement (with optional parameters) such as , , or UPDATE and returns a count of affected records.
Database.GetLastInsertId() - Returns the identity column from the most recently ed row.
Database.Open(filename) - Opens either the specified database file or the database specified using a named connection string from the Web.config file.
Database.OpenConnectionString(connectionString) - Opens a database using the connection string. (This contrasts with Database.Open, which uses a connection string name.)
Database.Query(SQLstatement[, parameters]) - Queries the database using SQLstatement (optionally passing parameters) and returns the results as a collection.
Database.QuerySingle(SQLstatement [, parameters]) - Executes SQLstatement (with optional parameters) and returns a single record.
Database.QueryValue(SQLstatement [, parameters]) - Executes SQLstatement (with optional parameters) and returns a single value.
EnableSsl - True, if the server should use SSL encryption
Facebook.LikeButton(href [, buttonLayout] [, showFaces] [, width] [, height] - Lets Facebook users make a connection to pages.
FileUpload.GetHtml([initialNumberOfFiles] [,allowMoreFilesToBeAdded] - Renders UI for uploading files.
From - The email to appear in the from address
GeneratePasswordResetToken() - Generates a token that can be sent to as user by email
GetCreateDate() - Gets the time the specified membership was created
GetPasswordChangeDate() - Gets the date and time when password was changed
GetUserId() - Gets a user ID from a user name
HasUserId - Returns true if the current has a user ID
Href(path [, param1 [, param2]]) - Creates a browser-compatible URL from a local file path, with optional additional path parts.
Html.Raw(value) - Renders value as HTML markup instead of rendering it as HTML-encoded output.
ChangePassword() - Changes the password for a user
Chart(width, height [, template] [, templatePath]) - Initializes a chart.
Chart.AddLegend([title] [, name]) - Adds a legend to a chart.
Chart.AddSeries([name] [, chartType] [, chartArea] - Adds a series of values to the chart.
InitializeDatabaseConnection() - Initializes the WebSecurity system (database)
IsAuthenticated - Returns true if the current user is logged in
IsBool(), IsDateTime(), IsDecimal(), IsFloat(), IsInt() - Returns true if the value can be converted from a string to the specified type.
IsConfirmed() - Checks if a user is confirmed
IsCurrentUser() - Checks if the current user matches a user name
IsEmpty() - Returns true if the object or variable has no value.
IsPost - Returns true if the request is a POST. (Initial requests are usually a GET.)
Json.Decode(string) - Converts a JSON-encoded input string to a data object that you can iterate over or into a database.
Json.Encode(object) - Converts a data object to a string in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
Layout - Specifies the path of a layout page to apply to this page.
Login() - Logs the user in by setting a token in the cookie
Logout() - Logs the user out by removing the token cookie
ModelStateDictionary.AddError(key, errorMessage) - Associates an error message with a form field. Use the ModelState helper to access this member.
ModelStateDictionary.AddFormError(errorMessage) - Associates an error message with a form. Use the ModelState helper to access this member.
ModelStateDictionary.IsValid - Returns true if there are no validation errors. Use the ModelState helper to access this member.
ObjectInfo.Print(value [, depth] [, enumerationLength]) - Renders the properties and values of an object and any child objects.
PageData[key], PageData[index], Page - Contains data shared between the page, layout pages, and partial pages in the current request. You can use the dynamic Page property to access the same data, as in the following example:
Password - The password of the SMTP account
RenderBody() - (Layout pages) Renders the content of a content page that is not in any named sections.
RenderPage(path, values) - Renders a content page using the specified path and optional extra data. You can get the values of the extra parameters from PageData by position (example 1) or key example 2).
RenderSection(sectionName [, required = true|false]) - (Layout pages) Renders a content section that has a name. Set required to false to make a section optional.
Request.Cookies[key] - Gets or sets the value of an HTTP cookie.
Request.Files[key] - Gets the files that were uploaded in the current request.
Request.Form[key] - Gets data that was posted in a form (as strings). Request[key] checks both the Request.Form and the Request.QueryString collections.
Request.QueryString[key] - Gets data that was specified in the URL query string. Request[key] checks both the Request.Form and the Request.QueryString collections.
Request.Unvalidated(key) - Selectively disables request validation for a form element, query-string value, cookie, or header value. Request validation is enabled by default and prevents users from posting markup or other potentially dangerous content.
RequireAuthenticatedUser() - Exits the page if the user is not an authenticated user
RequireRoles() - Exits the page if the user is not a part of the specified roles
RequireUser() - Exits the page if the user is not the specified user
ResetPassword() - Changes a user's password using a token
Response.AddHeader(name, value) - Adds an HTTP server header to the response.
Response.OutputCache(seconds [, sliding] [, varyByParams]) - Caches the page output for a specified time. Optionally set sliding to reset the timeout on each page access and varyByParams to cache different versions of the page for each different query string in the page request.
Response.Redirect(path) - Redirects the browser request to a new location.
Response.SetStatus(httpStatusCode) - Sets the HTTP status code sent to the browser.
Response.WriteBinary(data [, mimetype]) - Writes the contents of data to the response with an optional MIME type.
Response.WriteFile(file) - Writes the contents of a file to the response.
Send() - Sends an email message to an SMTP server for delivery
Server.HtmlDecode(htmlText) - Decodes a string that is HTML encoded.
Server.HtmlEncode(text) - Encodes a string for rendering in HTML markup.
Server.MapPath(virtualPath) - Returns the server physical path for the specified virtual path.
Server.UrlDecode(urlText) - Decodes text from a URL.
Server.UrlEncode(text) - Encodes text to put in a URL.
Session[key] - Gets or sets a value that exists until the user closes the browser.
SmtpPort - The port the server will use to send SMTP emails
SmtpServer - The name the SMTP server that will send the emails
ToString() - Displays a string representation of the object's value.
UrlData[index] - Gets additional data from the URL (for example,/MyPage/ExtraData).
UserExists() - Checks if a given user exists
UserName - The name of the SMTP account used to send the email
Video.Flash(filename [, width, height]) - Renders a Flash video player for the specified file with optional width and height.
Video.MediaPlayer(filename [, width, height]) - Renders a Windows Media player for the specified file with optional width and height.
Video.Silverlight(filename, width, height) - Renders a Silverlight player for the specified .xap file with required width and height.
WebCache.Get(key) - Returns the object specified by key, or null if the object is not found.
WebCache.Remove(key) - Removes the object specified by key from the cache.
WebCache.Set(key, value [, minutesToCache] [, slidingExpiration]) - Puts value into the cache under the name specified bykey.
WebGrid(data) - Creates a new WebGrid object using data from a query.
WebGrid.GetHtml() - Renders markup to display data in an HTML table.
WebGrid.Pager() - Renders a pager for the WebGrid object.

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