User cabinet
User identifier
!Runs the specified command on the local computer
?Displays descriptions for ftp commands
appendAppends a local file to a file on the remote computer
asciiSets the file transfer type to ASCII, the default
bellToggles a bell to ring after each file transfer command is completed (default = OFF)
binarySets the file transfer type to binary
byeEnds the FTP session and exits ftp
cdChanges the working directory on the remote computer
closeEnds the FTP session and returns to the command interpreter
close brubeckcloses the current FTP connection with brubeck, but still leaves you within the FTP environment.
debugToggles debugging (default = OFF)
Deletes a single file on a remote computer
dirDisplays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
disconnectDisconnects from the remote computer, retaining the ftp prompt
getCopies a single remote file to the local computer
get ABCcopies file ABC in the current remote directory to (or on top of) a file with the same name, ABC, in your current local directory.
get ABC DEFcopies file ABC in the current remote directory to (or on top of) a file named DEF in your current local directory.
globToggles filename globbing (wildcard characters) (default = ON)
hashToggles hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred (default = OFF)
helpDisplays descriptions for ftp commands
lcdChanges the working directory on the local computer
literalSends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server
lsDisplays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
mDeletes one or more files on a remote computer
mdirDisplays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
mgetCopies one or more remote files to the local computer
mget *copies all the files in the current remote directory to your current local directory, using the same filenames. Notice the use of the wild card character, *.
mkdirCreates a remote directory
mlsDisplays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
mputCopies one or more local files to the remote computer
openConnects to the specified FTP server
open brubeckopens a new FTP connection with brubeck you must enter a username and password for a brubeck account (unless it is to be an anonymous connection).
promptToggles prompting (default = ON)
putCopies a single local file to the remote computer
pwdDisplays the current directory on the remote computer (literally, "print working directory")
quitEnds the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp (same as "bye")
quoteSends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server (same as "literal")
recvCopies a remote file to the local computer
remotehelpDisplays help for remote commands
renameRenames remote files
rmdirDeletes a remote directory
sendCopies a local file to the remote computer (same as "put")
statusDisplays the current status of FTP connections
traceToggles packet tracing (default = OFF)
typeSets or displays the file transfer type (default = ASCII)
userSpecifes a user to the remote computer
verboseToggles verbose mode (default = ON)

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